• March 14, 2025
  • 12 avenue St Michel ZA Camp Ferrat 83120 Sté Maxime Var France


The Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant course offered by the European Ayurveda Academy is a transformative experience. The blend of ancient wisdom with modern teaching methods made the learning process engaging and effective. The online platform was user-friendly, and the support from the instructors was exceptional. The teachers are experts in their field and provided invaluable insights and guidance throughout the course. I have gained a deep understanding of Ayurvedic lifestyle practices and how to apply them in a modern context. I feel confident in my ability to integrate Ayurvedic principles into my daily life and help others do the same. This course is a must for anyone serious about holistic health." Adrienn from Hungary

5.0 rating

Adrienn Hungary

I am very grateful to study at this school. Every class was fantastic. The teachers were very kind and helpful. Useful school! I recommend it to everyone who wants to learn Ayurveda! Best regards Melinda Csorba

5.0 rating

Melinda Csorba

Dear Sir I hope this message finds you well.. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the exceptional Ayurveda Course conducted by you. The depth of Knowledge you shared combined with your engaging teaching style made the course incredibly enriching and insightful. The practical applications and comprehensive explanations provided a well rounded learning experience that I am confident will benefit me greatly in my personal and professional life. I am so looking forward to the next year course Warmest Regds Ashma Khanna

5.0 rating

Ashma Khanna

I am extremely grateful to have known the Europe Ayurveda Academy, so fortunate to have met with Dr Suresh Swarnapuri. My sincere and humble thanks to each and every Ayurvedic Doctors and Professors for their timeless effort, patience and dedication towards helping the students, with their wealth of knowledge about Ayurveda. I love Ayurveda and my passion for Ayurveda has grown more after my 1st year. Special thanks to all the teachers. Kindest Regards - Suja-Guernsey Islands-UK.

5.0 rating

Suja-Guernsey Islands-UK.

Dear Ági, Dear Kata,   Thank you very much for allowing me to participate in the Nadi Pareeksha training.   What was most wonderful for me was that the chapters learned in the consultant training were put together in a system, the concepts of subdoshas and dhatus, which until now were only in my head as a separate category, made sense. Dr. Suresh's presentation was exciting, inspiring and I loved how he involved us in his presentation. "Magic, Logic"   What would help me afterwards is if there was a live recording and you could listen and watch it again and again 🙂   Special thanks to Kati for the translation.   I wish you a nice summer and June. See you on the 18th 🙂   Hello Monica”

5.0 rating


Dear Dr. Suresh,   It was an honour to me to participate on your Nadi pariksha course. I really enjoyed the whole training! A new chapter has been opened to me in ayurveda, and in my own ayurveda "toolbox" in helping my clients as well. I would gladly develop my skills in nadi pariksha if there will be any possibility for further studies.   I therefore thank you and would be very glad if we could meet again on further trainings!   Yours sincerely, Eszter Vácity

5.0 rating

Eszter Vácity

Dear Dr. Suresh,   Thank you so much for the opportunity, I am very happy and thankful that I could participate on the Nadi Pariksha course. Nadi Pariksha is a very interesting and complex form of diagnose. Years and years of practice is needed to be able to do this properly. For me every moment of the course was very interesting. It was well structured and comprehensible. You are a very positive and funny soul and a very good teacher.   Thank you so much again for everything. Best regards, Orsi

5.0 rating


„It gives me great pleasure to say a few words at the request of Dr. Suresh Swarnapuri about the high-level teaching of Nadi Pariksha. I personally listened to every moment with great interest. The personal course in Budapest was enjoyable, interesting and insightful. He involved the students in his presentation and I really liked that. I think he is a great speaker. I understood a lot.... Namaste dear Professor Dr. Suresh Swarnapuri! Sincerely, Killer Lászlóné Mary”

5.0 rating

Killer Lászlóné Mary”

My experiences with the Nadi Pariksha method and the theoretical and practical part of the training.   I was first introduced to this technique by a Maharishi Ayurveda Physician when he performed a pulse diagnosis on me in 1996. He did a pulse diagnosis and then told me all my imbalances in full detail, why they were there. I had not said a word to him before, he read everything from the pulse. When I started to do Ayurveda Consultations, I was always looking for where I could learn this technique, but often the training was only open to doctors and there were other circumstances and learning it was postponed. I was very happy to apply for this training and I knew I was going to learn something very valuable, but for me at first It seemed inconceivable to me at first that I could learn the basics in 2-3 days, or that I could read anything from the pulse. As we moved forward with the theory, I could see that I was going to learn a lot in these few days because I was exposed to a systematic, orderly sequential analysis of the pulse in the light of the 5 levels of depth, which I understood much better after the practical part. And as I practiced and learned the details, I understood more and more. I think I have much MORE to offer to those who come to me and the knowledge of Ayurveda consultancy has been crowned by this training in Nadi Pariksha. Knowledge of the subtle levels of doshas is extremely important in consultancy. What I still lack is practical experience, the ability to feel in the pulse what I already know in theory. I think the training has been sensational, I have received some of the most important knowledge of my life. Now I feel I have reached the starting line, I am right at the BEGINNING of all the knowledge. I know how much I don't know, I haven't experienced, and how much I still have to do to be able to do accurate testing on a practical level. But I find this knowledge very exciting, and I wish all doctors in the world, with a vegetarian lifestyle were 100% aware of this knowledge, this method, so that health care can finally rise from disease-care to the level of the old Vedic times health-care.   Thank you all for allowing me to take this course

5.0 rating

Jenő Zsolt Dudás”

Dear sir, i want to thank you for your efforts for sharing and teaching true ayurveda knowledge with us westerners who are due to our karma born in darkness of modern "science" and devoid of real simple knowledge about material nature, its elements and interactions. All my life i was struggling with health a lot due to my pitta vatta very delicate body, and finally now after learning true ayurveda and its concepts, i can see what was wrong and how to manage doshas. Today unfortunately so many nonsense is on internet about ayurveda and by trying to learn it in past i didnt get much benefit. Because of you and wonferful teachers that you collected we are finally able to learn true ayurveda and live healthy. I just wanted to thank you for all...kind regards 🙂

5.0 rating

Fran Denis-Croatia

As a student of the fourth year of ayurvedic studies I only have words of praise for all the professors and lecturers at the Academy. All are very supportive, kind, and have great experience as academics and clinicians. For me, the most important thing is that they are very responsive in answering all the questions and explaining all the doubts that arise during the studies. Also, teachers are teaching us and encouraging us how to think and observe every case as unique and work and operate with every client as individual.

5.0 rating

Sandra Begović, GitaZen Holistic Center, Croatia

I am happy I decided to attend classes at EAA, as I gained lots of valuable knowledge from very well prepared and experienced doctors. Classes enabled me to learn the basics as well as introduced more advanced topics from Ayurveda, not limiting it to common information we can find on Internet, like doshas etc. Subjects were explained in details, lots of information was shared but at the same time teachers remained kind and patient with us, encouraging further studies. We were also recommended books from which we could study more at home in between classes. I was able to inject some Ayurveda principles in my life and am still working on making it more aligned with this science. I hope more people will know this field and school, as Ayurveda treats every person individually, respecting his own characteristics and getting to the roof of the problem. Elżbieta Warsaw-Poland

5.0 rating

Elżbieta Warsaw-Poland

Namasty, After first year education with Europe Ayurveda Academy, I would like to thank to all professors and especially to Dr Suresh for their extremely kindnesses, generosity, attention and patience. Thanks a lot for excellent organization, well structured classes and especially your great experience you have been shared to us. It was a really great pleasure. Many thanks for this divine science you open to us as Ayurveda is like a ocean full of peace and harmony more you go through more deeper you would like to advance.

5.0 rating


When I met Dr Suresh and Patricia for my first Ayurveda consultation, I never imagined the path that I would open before me. They allowed me to find what I’ve been looking for a long time: a holistic human science. This first year at the academy was really rich. Our teachers are of very high quality and their teachings are of great value. I thank the EAA for opening the doors of magnificent and extraordinary knowledge. And above all, I would like to thank you for passing on such precious Vedas and for so much kindness. Ayurveda now guides me in my daily life and I look forward to deepening this teaching. This formation has profoundly changed my habits and my outlook on the human being and on the world. The way of Ayurveda is filled with joy and hope.

5.0 rating

Emmanuelle Piallat

Studying at EAA is a wonderful experience! Our dear professor Dr Suresh Swarnapuri is really doing his best to provide us with intelligent and experienced teachers as well as quality books. For every subject we've been taught by a specialist at it's field. All the teachers are very lovely and opened to help students whenever it's needed. Flexibility and understanding are pervading in our classes. I am very grateful to have an opportunity to be a part of this loving community.

5.0 rating

Ines Uyulala

Dr. Suresh Swarnapuri Workshops, Budapest, 11-12/11/2024

Mrs. Julianna Lőrinczné Táborfi

Mrs. Julianna Lőrinczné Táborfi

Dear Kata! It was a great experience to participate in the workshop because of the friendly environment, the nice atmosphere, the special knowledge and the friendly and inviting personality of the speaker! The physiological effects of spices and herbs and the possibilities of their therapeutic use are very good ideas for a future course. As a dietician, I would like to learn about the possibilities of Ayurvedic nutritional therapy for civilization diseases in the future. I myself am an advocate of gentle remedies and holistic healing. It was interesting to compare the Ayurvedic approach to healing with what we have learned. With thanks: Mrs. Julianna Lőrinczné Táborfi Dietitian, Vice President and Health Manager for the Association for Healthy Nutrition and Healthy Living (Hungary)
Lőrinczné Táborfi Julianna

Lőrinczné Táborfi Julianna

Kedves Kata! Nagy élményt jelentett a workshopon való részvétel a barátságos környezet, a kedves hangulat , az előadó különleges tudása és közvetlen személyisége egyaránt! A fűszerek és gyógynövények élettani hatása és terápiás alkalmazásuk lehetőségeinek bemutatása nagyon jó ötlet egy következő kurzuson. Dietetikusként egy-egy civilizációs betegség ayurvédikus táplálkozás-terápiás kezelésének lehetőségeivel szívesen megismerkednék a jövőben. Magam is a szelíd gyógymódok és a holisztilus gyógyítás híve vagyok. Érdekes volt az ayurveda gyógyítási szemléletének összehasonlítása az általunk tanultakkal. Köszönettel: Lőrinczné Táborfi Julianna dietetikus - eü.menedzser EGÉSZséges Táplálkozásért és Természetes Életvitalitásért Egyesület alelnök
Ms. Erika Szabó

Ms. Erika Szabó

Dear Kata! First of all, thank you very much for the opportunity to be there and to listen to the Professor's lecture! It was a great experience, I have learned a lot and I have already applied his advice and practices in my work several times! If I would have the opportunity to listen to him again, I would love to listen to his lectures on Ayurvedic herbs and spices! Thank you for the opportunity, I have learned and improved a lot! Sincerely Ms. Erika Szabó
Szabó Erika

Szabó Erika

Kedves Kata! Először is nagyon köszönöm a lehetőséget, hogy ott lehettem/lehettünk és hallgathattuk a professzor Úr előadását. Nagyon nagy élmény volt, sokat tanultam és már többször is alkalmaztam munkám során a tőle elsajátított tanácsokat, praktikákat! Hogyha újra lehetőségem lenne őt hallgatni szívesen hallgatnám az ayurvédikus gyógynövényekkel, fűszernövényekkel kapcsolatos előadását! Köszönöm a lehetőséget, nagyon sokat tanultam, fejlődtem! Üdvözlettel Szabó Erika
Ms. Alexandra Süle / Herbahaz

Ms. Alexandra Süle / Herbahaz

Dear Kata! Thank you again for the opportunity to participate in the workshop . For me it was a great experience, it was very good to listen to the doctor (I would like to emphasize that it was very good that there was interpretation), the day almost flew by, he presented in an interesting and very attentive way. For me it was all very interesting, I am just at the beginning of my studies in naturopathy. I absolutely received information (prescriptions, lifestyle advice, new perspective on obesity) that I can apply both in my own life and when advising clients. As a topic idea for further workshops, I would also be very interested in a presentation on Ayurvedic herbs and spice use, and I think even a nutrition plan based on the dosha type would be very good. Kind regards, Ms. Alexandra Süle / Herbahaz
Süle Alexandra / Herbaház

Süle Alexandra / Herbaház

Kedves Kata! Még egyszer köszönjük a lehetőséget, hogy részt vehettünk a workshopon Számomra nagyon sokat adott az egész, nagyon jó volt hallgatni a doktor Úrat (külön kiemelném, nagyon jó volt, hogy volt tolmácsolás), szinte elrepült a nap, érdekesen és nagyon figyelem fentartóan adott elő. Nekem az egész nagyon érdekes volt, most vagyok még csak a természetgyógyászati tanulmányaim elején. Abszolút olyan dolgokat kaptam (receptek, életmód tanácsok, új nézőpont az elhízás kialakulásában), amit mind saját életben mind pedig a vásárlóinknak való tanácsadás során tudok alkalmazni. Témaötletként engem is nagyon érdekelne egy előadás az ayurvédikus gyógynövényekről és a fűszerhasználatról, illetve szerintem még egy táplálkozás dósa típus alapján is nagyon jó lenne. Üdv.: Süle Alexandra / Herbaház
Ms. Szilvia Beck

Ms. Szilvia Beck

Dear Kata! Thank you, the workshop was extremely useful, the lecturer gave a very logical explanation of the development of the diseases, he gave us an absolute understanding. I would definitely attend a lecture(s) on herbs and spices, the 2 most interesting topics in my opinion. Of the diseases, the endocrine system and skin diseases are the ones that I'm very interested in at the moment. I don't know if this is a regular workshop, as this is the first time I've been, but it would be nice if it could be a regular thing! 🙂 Regards, Ms. Szilvia Beck
Beck Szilvia

Beck Szilvia

Kedves Kata! Köszönöm, rendkívül hasznos volt, teljesen logikusan levezette az előadó a betegségek kialakulását, abszolút megértést adott. A gyógynövények és fűszerek előadáso(ko)n mindenképp ott lennék, a 2 legérdekesebb téma szerintem. A betegségek közül az endokrin rendszer ill. a bőrbetegségek ami jelenleg nagyon foglalkoztat. Nem tudom, hogy ez egy rendszeres workshop szervezés-e, mert én most voltam először, de jó lenne ha az lehetne 🙂 Üdvözlettel. Beck Szilvia