• April 27, 2024
  • 16 rue Flamande, 30000 NIMES, FRANCE

Level2 : Ayurveda Clinical therapist & Nutritionist

Dravya guna

Dosha Dushyadi Vigyan –basic understanding of pathology according to Ayurveda

Vyadhi Vigyan Knowledge of diseases

Definition, synonyms and classification of Vyadhi(disease).

Basic knowledge of Hereditary, Congenital, Acquired, Multifactorial, Traumatic and Environmental disorders.

Introduction to ICD Classification of Diseases of WHO and DSM classification.

Samanyaja and Nanatmaja Vikara. NidanarthakaraVyadhi, Hetu Sankara, Lingasankara, Vyadhisankara, Vyadhi Awastha.

Definition and classification of Vyadhikshamatva- Immunity

Nidana Panchaka Vigyana

Pariksha Vigyana (examinatin)


Vata diseases

Common life style disorders and their understanding according to Ayurveda

Pitta diseases

Diseases of Manovaha Srotas(PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS)

Kapha diseases

Allergic disorders

Auto immune disorders

Common infectious disorders