• March 14, 2025
  • 12 avenue St Michel ZA Camp Ferrat 83120 Sté Maxime Var France

Level2 : Ayurveda Clinical therapist and Nutritionist

All courses are seperate
SECOND YEAR SYLLABUS: Ayurveda Clinical therapist and Nutritionist (Course Duration - 10 months)



Part A
Dosha Dushyadi Vigyan –basic understanding of pathology according to Ayurveda
Definition and importance of Roganidana.
Samanya Nidana and Samanya Lakshana of Dosha Vriddhi, Kshaya and Prakopa.
  1. Dhatu Kshaya Vriddhi Lakshana.
  2. Mala Kshaya Vriddhi Lakshana.
  3. concept of Agni Dushti and Ama.
  4. Doshagati and Rogmarga.
  5. Detailed study of Srotas
Vyadhi Vigyan Knowledge of diseases
Definition, synonyms and classification of Vyadhi(disease).
  1. Basic knowledge of Hereditary, Congenital, Acquired, Multifactorial, Traumatic and Environmental disorders.
  2. Introduction to ICD Classification of Diseases of WHO and DSM classification.
  3. Samanyaja and Nanatmaja Vikara. NidanarthakaraVyadhi, Hetu Sankara, Lingasankara, Vyadhisankara, Vyadhi Awastha.
Definition and classification of Vyadhikshamatva-
Immunity.Nidana Panchaka Vigyana
Difference between Roga and Rogi Pariksha.
Importance of Nidan Panchaka.
1. Definition, Synonyms and Classification HETU ,PURVA RUPA ,RUPA UPASHAYA SAMPRAPTI AND PROGNOSIS.
Pariksha Vigyana (examinatin)
  3. The Five Diagnostic Criteria
Dasha vidha pareekasha
Diseases (understanding of common diseases through ayurveda )
  • Vata diseases
  • Pitta diseases
  • Kapha diseases
Common life style disorders Madhumeha (diabetes), Raktha chapa (Hypertension Sthoulya (obesity)and their understanding according to Ayurveda Diseases of Manovaha Srotas(PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS like Insomnia(Nidra nasa) or dementia (Smrithi nasa) Depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety neurosis and Alzheimer’s) Allergic disorders( food allergy ,allergic skin ,rhinitis and asthma ) Auto immune disorders like Amla pitta ,Parinama Soola ,Grahani (chron,s disease, Irritable bowel syndrome ,ulcerative colitis) .
Common infectious disorders AND their understanding according to Ayurveda.

Theory—:4hrsX12=48 hours
Practicals—6 hours with Assignments and Home work additionally


3 days, 1 sessions
Variations of pulse according to doshas and based on constitutional variations. Pulsereading methods as applied in contemporary methods and in contrast to ancient methods of examination.
Principles or precautions for reading or assessment of pulse in health and disease.

Practicals: pulse reading

Theory 4hrsx4=16 hrs
Practical —8hrs


Part A
3 days, 1 sessions
Introduction to seven Padartha of Dravyaguna Vijnana viz Dravya- Rasa-Guna- Virya- Vipaka- Prabhava and Karma.
  1. Dravya: Definition, panchbhoutikatwa. Classification .
  2. Guna: Definition and Classification of Guna.
  3. Rasa: Definition, Meaning of “Rasa” in various contexts. Shad Rasas (Madhura, Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta, and Kashaya), Panchabhautik constitution of Rasas, Nirvrittiviseshakrama (manifestation in general and particular), Ritu and shad rasa Rasanurasayoh bheda (Difference between rasa and anurasa), Lakshana (characteristics),Guna and Karma of shad Rasas, Kopana and Shamana of Dosha and dushya by Shad rasas. Effects of excess usage of Rasa.
  4. Vipaka: Definition, Types of Vipaka, Trividha, Guna and karma of Vipaka.
  5. Veerya: Definition and Swarupa of Virya, Number of Virya. (Dwividha ), Virya karmani (Effects of Virya), General principles in determination.
Karma: Definition, nature and types of action.
Detailed Knowledge of important drugs for clinical practice :
English name , Botanical Name, Family, Classification of Dravya (Gana) as described in Charak and Sushrut, Useful parts, Important phytoconstituents, Rasa panchaka, Action on Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Prayogarha vyadhi (therapeutic indications), Amayikaprayoga and Matra (Therapeutic administration and Dose),

Theory—:4hrsX11=44 hours
Practicals—12 hours with Assignments and Home work additionally

MODULE IV: THE AYURVEDIC PHARMACEUTICS (Panchavidha kashaya kalpana and Other kalpana)

Part B
  1. Swarasa(EXPRESSED JUICE) - Ardraka swarasa, Tulasi swarasa, Kumari Swarasa,guduchi swarasa .
  2. Kalka(FINE PASTE) - Nimba kalka, Rasona kalka.
  3. Kwatha (HERBAL DECOCTION) - Triphala Kwath,dasamoola kwath and trikatu kwath.
  4. Hima(COLD WATER INFUSION) - Yastimadhu,Dhanyaka hima, Sarivadi hima
  5. Phanta(HOT WATER INFUSI0N) - Panchakola phanta,Yastimadhu Phanta.
  6. Preperation Of Churna - Tripaha choorna , Trikatu choorna,Sitopaladi Churna, Hinguwashtaka Churna and talisadi choorna etc
  7. Aushadhi Yoga Gyanam - ingredients, manufacturing process/ Method of preparation, therapeutic uses, dose and Anupana (VEHICLE)
  8. Study of Ancient and Contemporary systems of „Maana‟ (Units of measurement) Aushadha Matra. (drug dosage), Anupana (co-drinks/vehicle and sahapan and Aushadh sevan kaala(time of adminstration of drug).

Theory—:4hrsX8=32 hours
Practicals—8 hours with Assignments and Home work additionally


3 days, 1 sessions

  1. Ayurveda food and nutrition in contrast to conventional thinking b Theories based on food and nutrition in Ayurveda
  2. Food as medicine or Rejuvenation and allied therapies in Ayurveda
  3. Generalised theories and application for food and nutrition as applicable for Ayurveda.

Theory—:4hrsX6=24 hours
Practicals—6 hours with Assignments and Home work additionally


9 days, 3 sessions.
Netrabasthi, greevabasthi, janu basthi, udarabasthi, kati basthi.Urah basthi.Shirodhara,

Theory—:4hrsX8=32 hours
Practicals—14 hours with Assignments and Home work additionally

EXAM— Theory 80 MCQs+20 marks Short Questions practicals-VIVA-50 Mark